# ubuntu packages: $ sudo apt-get install git-all cmake cmake-curses-gui build-essential yasm # Note: if the packaged yasm is older than 1.2, you must download yasm (1.3 recommended) and build it # If you are compiling off the default branch after release of v2.6, you must have nasm (2.13 or newer) installed and added to your path $ git clone https: // bitbucket.Choose Browse the folder which contains your CMAKE project, in this example ~/cmake-example folder. Next, select File -> New Project -> C/C++ Project with Existing Sources -> Next. The reason is that if you simply run NetBeans from GUI, your environment variables might not sync.Configure cmake in a crossbuild directory (for example buildcross instead of build), and specify the toolchain-geode.cmake file as the toolchain file The following steps are the same as for. This is the only difference between cross-compilation and compilation. This toolchain-geode.cmake will be passed to cmake instead of toolchain-pc.cmake.